Nybo Workwear’s Due Diligence Approach

At Nybo Workwear, we take our responsibility seriously to ensure that our supply chain operates ethically, sustainably, and in compliance with both our internal standards and international regulations. Our due diligence process is designed to maintain transparency and accountability across our entire supplier network. We conduct due diligence through a combination of ongoing assessments, secure data management, and direct engagement with our suppliers. Our main practices include:

  1. Annual CSR Questionnaire
    Each year, we distribute a comprehensive CSR questionnaire to all our suppliers. This questionnaire includes 60 questions covering a wide range of sustainability and social responsibility topics. The information we collect provides critical insights into the supplier’s operations, including:

    - The countries from which their fibers are sourced.
    - Work-related injuries, including the number of incidents and employee absences due to injuries.
    - Salary structures, with specific attention to the lowest-paid full-time workers.
    - Average weekly overtime.
    - Water consumption and efforts to reduce usage.
    - Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and their reduction initiatives.
    - Policies regarding child labor, forced labor, and efforts to mitigate risks as outlined by the OECD guidelines.

    This data allows us to perform a thorough risk analysis and prioritize our CSR initiatives.
  2. Supplier Data Management
    The information gathered from our CSR questionnaires is securely stored in a central database. This allows us to track the progress of each supplier over time, ensuring continuous monitoring of their performance on key indicators such as climate impact, certifications, work-related injuries, salary, and overtime.

  3. Certificate Database
    We maintain a secure database that holds all relevant supplier certificates and audit reports. These documents are rigorously reviewed, and in cases of non-compliance, we collaborate with suppliers to develop corrective action plans.

  4. Whistleblower Solution
    As an additional layer of security, we have established a digital whistleblower solution, enabling any stakeholder to report concerns directly to us. Suppliers are instructed on how to incorporate our whistleblower system into their grievance mechanisms, ensuring a robust and reliable channel for addressing potential issues.

  5. Supplier Visits
    To strengthen our relationships and ensure direct oversight, we conduct annual or biannual visits to our suppliers. These visits provide us with an opportunity to engage with our partners, assess their working conditions firsthand, and reinforce our due diligence practices.

  6. Quarterly CSR Meetings
    We engage in quarterly CSR meetings with our suppliers to discuss ongoing sustainability initiatives. These meetings allow us to create actionable plans together and ensure continuous improvement in areas such as environmental impact, labor conditions, and compliance.


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