Whistleblower and grievances information 

The ability of textile workers to be heard is of deep concern to Nybo Workwear. Therefore, we proactively work with and support our manufacturing suppliers in establishing fully anonymous and trustworthy grievance mechanisms, along with backup mechanisms.

On this page you find information on how to raise a concern through our whistleblower channel. You also find stats on grievances received in our supplychain, and our proces of handeling grievances.


Nybo Workwear's whistleblower mechanism 

If you have a concern about a violation happening at Nybo Workwear or at one of your suppliers or partners you can submit your concern through our whistleblower mechanism at the link below.



How we handle grievances and ensure anonymity

All grievances submittet through the whistleblower channel are handled with care. As part of the submission process you have possibility to choose to grieve anonymously.













Grievances received 

At least yearly, we ask our manufacturing suppliers to share their grievance mechanisms, together with the number of grievances received in the past year. Based on this information, we conduct a gap analysis and explore possibilities to improve the grievance mechanisms. 

In 2023 the number of grievances was. 

Denmark: 0 

Latvia: 5 

Laos: 12 

China: 0 

India: 0 

Tunesia: 0


Whistleblower policy

This whistleblower policy aims to establish the framework for the Nybo Workwear whistleblower scheme which, in addition to Nybo Workwear's usual reporting channels, can be used to report serious circumstances, including suspicion or knowledge of illegal, unethical or disorderly conduct. 

Nybo Workwear's whistleblower scheme can be used by Nybo Workwear's employees, customers, suppliers, suppliers employees and other business partners. 

Reporting can be made by accessing the whistleblower scheme on our website. Our system informs and guides the submitter on matters of importance for the assessment of the alert. 

You can use the reporting system to report any serious circumstances that fall within the scope of the applicable whistleblower protection rules at all times. It may be, for example, suspicion or knowledge of illegal, unethical or disorderly conduct, including matters relating to bribery and corruption, child labour, forced labour, unrelemented overtime, serious damage to the environment, sexual harassment or other gross harassment, as well as gross or repeated violations of legislation in addition. 

In each case, we will make a concrete assessment of whether the reporting falls within the scope of the scheme. The alert will fall within the scope of the scheme if it falls within the scope of the current rules on the protection of whistleblowers at all times. 

If you are an employee, we point out that dissatisfaction with your employment relationship such as salary and management style and other contractual terms as a clear starting point should not be reported in the whistleblower scheme. Such matters should instead be addressed through the normal channels for example to the immediate manager, your trust representative or HR. 

Alerts must be made in good faith. In particular, this means that the scheme must not be used to report deliberately incorrect information. 

 After submitting notification will receive a receipt of receipt as soon as possible and within 7 days at the latest. 
Nybo Workwear will conduct an assessment of the reporting. The notification will then be subject to an investigation, the extent of which depends on the specific circumstances of the case. The submitter will receive feedback within three months on the status of the case, including the type of follow-up to the reporting that may have been made.

All alerts are handled with discretion for the purpose of protecting the whistleblower.
If the initial assessment shows that the alert is not covered by Nybo Workwear's scheme, the notification will not be dealt with further in the scheme and the submitter will be informed accordingly.

 submitter is free to choose whether to make an alert anonymously or specifying his personal contact details. 

If the submitter chooses to make an alert anonymously, neither Nybo Workwear nor a third party will process personal data about the submitter. However, if the submitter indicates information that enables Nybo Workwear to identify him, Nybo Workwear will be entitled to process this information. This is not subject to whether the submitter has made the notification anonymously. 

In case of an anonymous alert, the submitter will have the opportunity to choose whether they will be available for any further investigation by creating a secure and anonymous mailbox through which Nybo Workwear can contact the submitter. We encourage the submitter to set up a PO Box as it may be difficult for Nybo Workwear to conduct an investigation without further information from the submitter. 

If the submitter chooses to state his identity in the context of a notification covered by the scheme, Nybo Workwear's whistleblower unit shall have confidentiality of the identity of the submitter under the applicable rules on the protection of whistleblowers. Thus, as a starting point, the identity of the submitter will only be disclosed if the submitter expressly consents to it. However, the identity of the submitter may also be disclosed to public authorities, such as police or prosecutor's office, if necessary to address reported matters or for the purpose of securing the rights of affected persons to a defence. 

A submitter who reports serious matters covered by Nybo Workwear's whistleblower scheme cannot face reprisals of any form as a result of the notification. 

The reporting system logs neither the IP address nor the ID of the computer from which the alert is made, and the system does not use cookies. If the computer from which the alert is made, owned by Nybo Workwear or connected to Nybo Workwear's network, there is a risk that it will be logged in the browser's history/and or Nybo Workwear's log, which IP address and/or ID the alert is made from, via the logging that occurs in Nybo Workwear's IT systems. The submitter can eliminate this risk by reporting from a computer that is not owned by Nybo Workwear or connected to Nybo Workwear's network. 

7. REPORTING TO EXTERNAL REPORTING CHANNELS The submitter will also be able to 
 report to an external reporting channel — i.e. a whistleblower scheme administered by a public authority. Thus, e.g. The Inspectorate of Denmark set up an external reporting channel which complements the obligation of employers to set up whistleblower schemes. Reporting to external reporting channels is not conditional on prior reporting to Nybo Workwear's whistleblower scheme. However, we encourage you to send your alert to Nybo Workwear's whistleblower scheme so that Nybo Workwear can quickly and immediately follow up on the reported relationship.


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